Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Getting Ready!

Ok I may not get to much blogging done because it is a busy week. Gearing up for my trip to Vegas!! So excited I have never been. I have been hearing about the temperatures there and I am not real excited about that! lol Of course I do live in Texas so hopefully it isn't anything I can't handle!

I am trying to pick clothes that fit me to take. I have been having some problems in my pants area. Problem is they are getting to big so the crotch of the pants want to hang to far down then my legs rub and I am raw. I for sure don't want this happening in Vegas I think that would be really uncomfortable with all the walking I hear happens there. So digging out what I call my skinny pants. Hmmm hopefully they will become my fat pants!

Ok I will be blogging here and there talk to you guys son!

1 comment:

  1. Well make sure you have pants that fit even if it means borrowing, shopping goodwill, or purchasing one good (cheap?) pair.

    Sounds like you are doing well.

